





Gary Snowden

Senior Minister

"The Life of Timothy"

I Timothy 1:1-5.




This Sunday morning we will conclude our sermon series titled…People of the Bible.


I’ve titled this week’s message… The Life of Timothy.


Our focus text will be I Timothy 1:1-5.


In our study this week we’ll learn that good parenting makes a huge difference in the lives of our kids and so does connecting them with a solid spiritual mentor!


They need both because living for Jesus won’t be easy… but it will be worth it!


I invite you to join us this Sunday morning and every Sunday as we worship the Lord with our singing, prayer, sharing the Word of God, and fellowshipping with one another.


Sunday School starts at 9:30 A.M. as we continue our study of the book of Genesis and our worship service begins at 10:30 A.M.


Have a blessed week.

